Is your business healthy?

Business health is a lot like our personal health

We listen to adverts, read books, read magazines and talk to our friends to get the latest advice and the new fad for dieting and crazy exercise regimes, to get in shape and feel good. Does it work? Not usually.
Consequently we get frustrated, and say things like “this new diet doesn’t work!” We lose a little bit of weight, but not much, we don’t ‘tone up’ and we never reach our goals.
The reason it doesn’t work is we don’t start with all the facts and the figures, and realise our problems to find the right solution then implement the solution.

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Set your goals and measure your results

This is why if you go to see a ‘good’ personal trainer.  The very first thing they will do is take you through a health check, to assess all the aspects of your body and ask you what your goals are.
If they didn’t,  how would they know what you need? They will assess fat, body composition, illnesses, conditions amongst others.
The trainer will then put together a programme with an eating plan and exercise regime to get towards your goal. Along the way you will do regular weigh ins or take measurements to see progress. The result if you work on your plan, is you will achieve your goals.
Without goals and a plan to achieve those goals we are just putting out spot fires and haplessly trying new things alone.
The better approach is we find out all the facts and figures about what we need, where we want to get to then implement a specific plan suited to us to get there with the support of the personal trainer to help us get there.
There is no difference in business.
Too often businesses will follow the same path as the first scenario; trying a whole myriad of things, putting out fires, band aiding issues to get towards their perceived goal. Only some of it works, it causes frustration, over work and loss of money.


What is the solution?

Do a health check on your business and understand your goals and vision, the same way the personal trainer does. Work out what you need, put this into a plan, implement it and stick to it and measure progress along the way.
Normally to get a business health check done, you have to hire a business coach, or a ‘business personal trainer’ to keep on the same theme.
My goal is to help as many people as I can with the knowledge I have. So I see no reason to help you get started towards your new ‘healthy path’.
If you need help then make contact and we will see what we can do to assist you.


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Business health is a lot like our personal health

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